Friday, March 5, 2010


I've had a whole day of thinking and it went something like this:
"I really love this blog! I could think about this topic all day! Resistance! You fucker! I will think you to death! I should do an experiment with my blog. I should see if I can conquer a portion of my life and and I'll blog about my progress!"
Then, I thought...
"What portion shall I tackle? Daily yoga? Money? Acting Work? Producing my own projects? This blog itself?"
Then I thought...
"Or I could just try to work on my happiness. My overall general feeling of well being. What if I embark on that adventure? Being happy. But how?"

1 comment:

Colette Brandenburg said...

I think if you focus on your happiness it's like kicking your rage- aka George Bush in the balls- im all for it!