Today I woke up to an email from my crazy talented and dear friend Erin Pineda. Erin and I have had countless conversations over the years about our careers. We are on the same path. We graduated from the Meisner Studio at NYU together, we both moved out to LA (only I have since moved back to NYC) and we both struggle. And it's the struggle we talk about. Well, we laugh about it, Thank God, and this is why we are such good pals.
I think, in creating this blog, I haven't made everything as clear as I could have. So let me say this now.
I am an artist. I like storytelling. I love the moving image. I live to portray the comedy an the drama in this human experience. And because the art of storytelling is so important to me, I have fed a very strong habit of hinging my happiness on the "success" of my art. I don't think I am alone in this feeling. I think all creative people everywhere can identify with this.
But how elusive and impossible is it then to be happy with our work? With our lives?
I am making a war cry out to all my comrades right now. HOOOOOAAAAAAAA!!!!
You know who you are.
Erin in LA: go kick ass in Santa Babara as Laura in the Glass Menagerie. Dive into her, get lost in her and I will see you on the other side.
Colette in London: Remember 3 years ago when we sat at the Jew Bagel coffee shop in LA and we asked ourselves what we really wanted? And you said, very timidly, but with all the honesty in the world, "I want to go to Grad School in London for Choreography." AND LOOK WHERE YOU ARE! Everything in the world stood in your way until the second you stepped off the plane onto British soil. YOU DID IT! Soak it in!
Namakula in NYC: You have so many talents and so much focus, you ARE the success of Kate & Kula. Now send me my back-story and let's keep remembering to have FUN, because we are IN CHARGE of an AMAZING piece of work. No boss is telling us what to do. This story came from your head and it's already a reality. BRAVO.
And JACK! The love of my life!! You inspire me everyday! Keep writing!! Let's make this movie in the fall!!!! HOOOOOOAAAAAAAAA *kisskiss* !!!!!!
And now my mind is flooding with all of you... there are so many more! Rosina!!!! Michael!!! Bilgin!!! Rob!!! Kate!!! Mark!!! John!! Chris!! BJ!! Stephanie!! Stacy!! Prudence!! Jillian!! Finnerty!!!!!
There are many more of you, you know who you are!!! I consider all of you beautiful people my team-mates and today I am calling out to you all. HOOOOOOOAAAAA!!! I love you. KEEP AT IT. Nothing is more important that what you have to offer the world, and you all have so much to give. I am so blessed and so grateful for the big family of artists I have in my life. I am rooting for you all and because of you, I should never feel alone or unheard.
We are a MOVEMENT.
Now let's tackle this beautiful, crisp new day. It's ours. Give me what you got kids!!!!!!!!!!!
and don't forget Katie's accomplishments- just a few years ago figuring out which chardonnay to give the two people in the corner to this past summer exchanging keaton/ford stories- to stop/kiss- to a film night curated by yours truly
it's all about perception babe
Hey Katie!
Love that you're doing this blog. Love popping on to see what you've had on your mind or what illuminating revelations you are so kind to share with us. Despite the fact that we talk everyday, throughout the day K&K stuff & what not)--its nice to read these musings...
Thanks for the shout out. I've been screaming myself for awhile, a lot lately. Been entrenched in this Spain curve ball, but I know the universe knows best. YES, I will write that backstory!!! ;-)
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