Happy Tuesday everyone!
I've decided to be a bit more structured about the blog. I'm going to write about my personal resistance and goals and video blog will be more broad, as I either re-cap stories I've heard or interview people about their views.
Here is a recap of my week (since I haven't blogged in 7 days, oh the shame!):
Wed was a day of editing, Thursday was the big snow storm (also an editing day). I attended UCB on Thursday night and had tons of fun. Friday I struggled with internet issues, finished my deadline for work and was a producing factory for the reading of my husband's script on Saturday.
Saturday was huge. We shot two big scenes for KATE & KULA at Deluxe (see pic above). Both scenes went very well!!! John Carey was a shining star of nakedness. (Stay tuned to get the joke). After the shoot, we set up for the reading in the theatre and by 5:30, tons of people showed up to read and/or to listen. Again, a great success. We got wonderful reactions and informative suggestions and it's back for one last pass on the re-write.
I spent Sunday in bed, exhausted. Sunday night we dined tapas style with new friends Patrick and Morgan.
I'd have to say, that my resistance this past week has been very strong. I know a lot was done, but I found it very challenging to be present during each event, or even happy post-event. Since I was little, I've been fighting the good fight with a little thing I call RAGE. It's not as outward as you might think, it's a feeling that lives inside me and likes to convince me that I'm either being cheated, not good enough or unloveable. My response to this is to build a protective wall around myself. I become very quiet and through the years I've learned how to at least not "appear" to be bothered, even though I am all scrambled up inside. The feeling rests, mainly, in my throat, making it hard the breathe or swallow freely. I know this feeling is all "in my head", self induced... but it doesn't take away the fact that it's very real for me. Maybe mentioning it now, and not being afraid to keep mentioning it, will help dissipate it. At the very least, I should address this and try to lessen it's grip on me for the sake of my loving husband, who is never convinced when I say "I'm fine."
I have had helpful guides this week, however. Dana, my yoga teacher on Friday, spoke about "deepening our practice." even though she spoke about YOGA, I think it applies to many things in this life, and dare I say, even my acting career. She mentioned that the results of the practice wont be satisfying unless we: Practice with persistence (every day, or often), Practice with perseverance (a life long practice) and Practice with Love (Mindfully aware of the practice, being present, offering you practice to something outside of yourself.)
Ok. More about my fabulous Monday later!! And I will post a short clip as well!
The past week has been a whirlwind.
I'm curious if you gave your RAGE a name- then maybe you can have more control over it- like think of it disconnected from yourself- your RAGE is a dog that shits on your carpet after he just went out for a 20 minute walk- and maybe that will lessen the guilt- i dunno- maybe that won't work
but i would name my rage (dog) George Bush an ignorant lil fucker who just doesn't know when to shut his yap and every once in awhile i wanna punch him in the throat- or punt him like a football-
in continuation - the beauty of calling your rage George Bush is that when you are out in public and you are really gettin angry all you gotta say " Dammit i hate fucking George Bush- what a fucker- fucks up everything" your rage would probably get applause
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