Last night while waiting for our friend Chris Corporandy to arrive, my friend Jillian Louis (pictured above with her BF, Zach) and I sat at a sake bar and ordered some yellow tail and drinks. After catching up with what we've missed about each other's lives over the past few months, we dove into this conversation about noticing the fact that we have grown into ourselves a bit more since our days at NYU. Both Jillian and I agreed that it took us a long time to accept our own femininity. And we're still working on it. Let's face it. It's still a bit of a man's world out there, and for all of us ladies. who want to make a career for ourselves, it's a tough ride representing "the other half" of society. Sure, as actresses, we can play the typical roles inside a man's story but the minute the story revolves around a women (or women) it instantly becomes a chick flick, doesn't it? It becomes something else.
My purpose right now is not to preach, or even to be a hater on all the dudes. I love the dudes. Really. Dudes... you know I love you right? I'm just talking about the process of becoming closer to oneself. The process of peeling away the layers of self or society-taught methods of being so as not to be "other." And of course this applies to categories of otherness... race, sexuality, nationality, fashion, finances, body image, aging, etc.

Michael Jackson, The King of Individuality
There aren't many more examples of a true individual than Michael Jackson. To be honest, after he died, and the movie, This Is It! all of a sudden hit theaters, I was like, "Really? They made a movie that fast to bank on the poor guys death?" But no! I was wrong! It's a great film! Rent it today! It's a real opportunity to check in with yourself and the relationship you DEFINITELY have with M J ! You get to watch him through his final dress rehearsals for the tour that never happened. His dance moves are one of a kind, and even at age 50, his moves far exceed the team of dancers behind him. And do you know why? Because those moves came FROM HIM. Not only does he prove himself as one of the most talented beings on earth, but he is undeniably one of the most unique people... you can criticize him until you're blue in the face, but one thing MJ's got (or had) is NO URGE to BE LIKE YOU.
All I know is this: whenever I get closer to who I really am and I act accordingly, I feel good. Whenever I try to fit in to some standard, I get filled with anxiety. Our true selves, our highest selves, won't always be as outlandish or in-your-face as MJ's. But we can always check in with ourselves, can't we? And ask: Am I doing this for me or for someone else? Am I happy right now? If so, make a mental note to do that thing again.
I mean we only get this one lifetime. This is it!!
Click here to watch some of Michael's moves.
So you be you and I'll be me, ok?
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