Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Neeeeeed the Dough

Impromptu Baking Session for Nana and Pop Pop

In the beginning chapters of The Path of PracticeBri Maya Tiwari talks about rediscovering the ways of your ancestors -- especially the meals they typically prepared.  I don't know about maaaaaany generations ago, but one thing I do recall from my childhood is mom's tollhouse choco chip cookies (hi mom! I tried to get granola in the store, but second guessed it and made them plain!). 

So then the thought beckoned... When was the last time I created something not from this damn computer?!? Sorry. I don't mean damn. My computer, like it or not, one of the biggest tools in my artist tool box. I love you computer (do not even think about misbehaving!!!) 

But dear God, sometimes a girl needs to get her hands dirty in some cookie dough.

And speaking of ancestors, Jack and I have two left... and Jack's Nana is turning 93 this weekend and my Pop Pop has a new apartment. Both of them have a sweet tooth. So I baked a batch. 

Tonight I am a grand daughter. A role I don't usually assume. Feels good! Care packages go out in the morning!

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