Happy 2011, everyone~~!!
It's been a crazy busy start to the new year! I've traveled, I've conquered, I've committed and I've cut my losses.
First, the conquering:

I've been cast in the upcoming Sarah Jessica Parker film, "I Don't Know How She Does It." Thrilled to be in another big feature! Thrilled that my lines are with SJP herself! Needless to say, I've been living at the gym since I got the call from CD, Doug Aibel. I shoot in February.
As for a new commitment in my life: Namakula and I have found our Kate & Kula Producer!! Lauren Beck, Head of New Media at Moon Dog and Violet Films, has taken us under her wing and is strategizing getting the show in front of networks and web channels. Stay tuned!
And now for the cutting of the losses: I'm no longer a part of the Theater Company I joined in June. I won't get into it too much but I will say that I'm not a teeny-bobber anymore folks and with experience, I've acquired a keen sense of smelling out a toxic situation. And this one was very very stinky. The day after I resigned, I got the call for the SJP audition, which I've since booked. Thank you, Universe.
With my new sense of freedom and time, I also made room for my sister in law, Ruth, and her Australian mum, Trish, to come in for a visit (a blast!)

I also had time and momentum to
travel to LA twice in the past month!

LA is a witchy woman and she's been calling my name lately. Just got back from the most recent excursion and I'm happy to report almost EVERYONE came out to play. My friends, my family, my boys Charlie and Leo, and my hubbie even hung out when he wasn't working. Even the sun came out to play! It was a gorgeous 80 degree week. We stayed at the Redbury Hotel on Vine. I highly recommend it to anyone who needs a classy, centrally located hotel in Hollywood. Cleo restaurant on ground floor is killer. Mmmmm fried brussel sprouts.
I hope everyone has had a great start to the new year. Never is there a better time to get stuff done just because you're declaring you want to. Resolutions.
I'll end with a quote for the new year (Thanks to Karen Murray for posting on FB):
"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race”
~Calvin Coolidge
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