There's nothing like food poisoning to remind a gal that everyday without food poisoning is a good day. Today is day 2... I'm at 50%... still achy but I'm able to spend most of the day in other parts of the apartment besides the bathroom.
I haven't written in 2 weeks! Resistance has definitely creeped up with this blog. I keep thinking... who the hell is reading this? And do I want people to read this? What the hell am I saying that's so freakin' important?!? The after effects of food poisoning makes me respond with: "Who the hell cares. Just write." So here I am, sippin' on blue gatorade and finally overcoming resistance.
But while I wasn't writing, I have been active in other respects. I jog now! Holy moly yes indeedy I jog the bridge every weekday morning. And I did my first headstand 2 weeks ago in yoga. It was Luke's class (the magical little sprite of a teacher) and I asked, "Can I go up against the wall?" He replied. "Wall? Nah. Do it in the center of the room. I'll spot ya." Then he proceeded to dance around singing, "Today's the day!" I guess every yogi has those special days when you can finally do a pose you never could before. And sure enough, I went upside down, in the middle of the room, with Luke hardly touching my legs at all. I was shocked at how much control I had over my up side down self.
So my life is like a Kandinsky, I suppose. Chaos, Control, Chaos, Control.
I think I need another nap.