Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Chaos & Control

There's nothing like food poisoning to remind a gal that everyday without food poisoning is a good day. Today is day 2... I'm at 50%... still achy but I'm able to spend most of the day in other parts of the apartment besides the bathroom.
I haven't written in 2 weeks! Resistance has definitely creeped up with this blog. I keep thinking... who the hell is reading this? And do I want people to read this? What the hell am I saying that's so freakin' important?!? The after effects of food poisoning makes me respond with: "Who the hell cares. Just write." So here I am, sippin' on blue gatorade and finally overcoming resistance.
But while I wasn't writing, I have been active in other respects. I jog now! Holy moly yes indeedy I jog the bridge every weekday morning. And I did my first headstand 2 weeks ago in yoga. It was Luke's class (the magical little sprite of a teacher) and I asked, "Can I go up against the wall?" He replied. "Wall? Nah. Do it in the center of the room. I'll spot ya." Then he proceeded to dance around singing, "Today's the day!" I guess every yogi has those special days when you can finally do a pose you never could before. And sure enough, I went upside down, in the middle of the room, with Luke hardly touching my legs at all. I was shocked at how much control I had over my up side down self.
So my life is like a Kandinsky, I suppose. Chaos, Control, Chaos, Control.
I think I need another nap.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Grati-cording

"A what?" you say.
A Grati-cording.
Yep. I made it up. And you can check out my first one by clicking below. It features my great friend Jillian Louis and me, after seeing our friend's play and having a drink in midtown. At any given time, one of us would have the handheld recorder and the other would snap the photo. The subject was our gratitude. It's 4 minutes and it's freakin' cute. Watch it.
Happy Monday everyone!
Jack and I had an extremely wonderful and productive weekend in Pennsylvania. We were location scouting for his upcoming feature, Mount Joy, and by God we actually secured two locations. Now twenty or so more to go....


Friday, April 9, 2010

What you see is what you get

**Spoiler Alert! Please read the last entry (April 2) before continuing to read this entry!
So many of you responded to my last blog and MOST of you did NOT see the gorilla. My friend Mark saw the gorilla AND counted correctly, so 2 gold stars for him. My aunt Laurie commented that Insurance companies use these "attention test" facts to convince drivers that if they're traveling down a familiar road, they technically will not even see a motorcyclist. Scary! So yes, whether it's a safety hazard or just a new way of realizing how our minds really do shape our world... what we SEE is what we GET.
Stay tuned for a special treat, this blog's first GRATI-CORDING, created by me and my great friend, Jillian Louis.
HAPPY FRIDAY and REMEMBER. there are MANY MORE layers to the world around us. Let's keep our eyes open!

Friday, April 2, 2010

What do you focus on?

The other day, my pal Namakula and I attended a free acting workshop. I arrived assuming I'd hear the same old stuff... marketing, headshots, resume blah blah blah. But no! These two teachers: Robert and Michelle Colt, talked about THE BRAIN, THE TEMPERATURE OF SUCCESS and FOCUS.

According to Robert and Michelle, we all have a "temperature" for success / love / money / etc. This "temperature" was formed at the age of 3 and solidified at the age of 7. Yep, by 2nd grade we all had a concrete comfort zone that we then spend the rest of our lives making sure we don't stray from. These two told us that your brain will do ANYTHING not to get too "hot" or too "cold"... aka too happy or unhappy, too wealthy or too poor, etc.
Then they showed us a video, and I encourage everyone to watch it. It takes 2 minutes, and if you're like me, it will BLOW YOUR MIND. I won't comment on the video until tomorrow, giving everyone a chance to watch it. If you do watch it, please leave a comment for me (or reply email) and tell me what you think! You don't need sound (Mom and Maddie!).

Click here to watch this video.

Happy Friday!